Testimonials about michael

A photo of Mark eaton

Mark eaton

Retiring from the NBA and moving forward into my new life involved a great deal of change. As it is for most everyone, change has been uncomfortable and at times required me to look at fears and unrealistic beliefs that were blocking my progress. Playing professional basketball exposed me to many alternative-healing modalities that have played a key role in supporting my career so it was natural to look in that direction as I was transitioning into my post NBA life.

I met Michael about fifteen years ago and he has become an integral part of my mentor life team. His specialized Energy Kinesiology and balancing work has helped eliminate pain, resolve outdated thought patterns and unlock key areas of my brain, giving me the tools I needed to embrace change and the future.  Each session with Michael has left me feeling refreshed, energized and ready to deal with the next challenge or opportunity. 

If you are seeking a way to get to the next level and are ready to access more of your own potential, go see Michael and experience his amazing gifts. It has been a game-changer for me!

A photo of Richard King

Richard King

Hi this is Richard King, Mike’s little brother. I work in the stunt business in Los Angeles, California, which at times can be very hard on my body both physically and mentally. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have such an amazingly gifted brother.

Michael has helped me over come injuries where traditional methods of treatment haven’t been successful. Whatever you’re dealing with in life, whether it be physical or emotional trauma, I highly recommend booking an appointment with my brother. It’s well worth it!

A photo of Talitha Schiller

Talitha Schiller

Michael King is and has been a healing angel on my journey. He is such a gifted, gentle, intuitive energy worker that he is the perfect instrument to help you do your soul’s work.

His knowledge of the brain and body is astounding, his ability to hold loving space for emotion is unsurpassed, and his skill in moving and clearing energies is like no one I have ever seen before. Plus he is just a delightful human being that you will trust and love the moment you meet him!

Thank you Michael for this work you do, for your huge heart, and for giving this gift of you to our community!

A photo of Jeff Bell

Jeff bell, lcsw

Michael King’s abilities to effectively and consistently transform and release trauma trapped in the body/mind is impressively stellar. I have witnessed transformations that have provided freedom from the energetic incarceration from one’s past and facilitated living fully alive in the present.


I have received Massage Therapy over the past 35 years and as a woman, what is of particular importance to me is feeling secure with a male practitioner. From our first meeting, I’ve never had a question regarding my safety. Michael is the epitome of professionalism. He is kind, gentle, and respectful — one of the most special human beings I’ve ever met.

He is the only Massage Therapist I’ve ever had to whom I didn’t have to indicate the exact pressure to use or which muscles to work.

In addition to getting “tune-ups” for muscular and body-mechanics issues, I also value personal and spiritual growth. Michael is there for that too. Really, this would be how you get the most out of your time with him. Even if you’re there only for a massage, Michael’s philosophy of human potential means he holds you in high regard. He believes in your potential to heal any “stuck-ness” and to enjoy and engage in this life’s journey.

My healing over this last decade has been profound in large part due to Michael’s support, his tremendous and unique skills, and his keen insight. To say “thank you” to him would be an understatement.

James Murray

Michael is part of my holistic pit crew. He’s a gifted healer with great ability to help uncover old wounds and blockages. It’s often such unresolved thoughts and feelings that affect us when we get triggered. I can’t think my way into health. I often have to feel the wound that’s been stored away in my body. Once identified and felt, I am then able to release it. I’m truly grateful for his work. I recommend him without reservation!

Jamie Baird

I have felt a definite shift! I felt so different after leaving your office. I was exhausted so I took a two-hour nap, then I came alive! My Brain was so connected Michael!!! I was able to be present with my kids, I was able to coordinate dinner and I followed through with it (which is huge!). I didn’t isolate at all. Those things sound little, but they were so significant. I can’t even begin to tell you the difference I feel. My boyfriend and kids were blown away. Thank you for the time you spent with me. It was very productive.


Michael A King, L.M.T.

Professional Energy Kinesiologist


262 East 3900 South, Suite 126
Salt Lake City, UT, 84107

(801) 259-8909